
xos – Tribal Soul Aroma Oils White Copal


Tribal Soul Aroma Oils White Copal 10ml

Tribal Soul Aroma Oils introduces White Copal, a fragrant treasure steeped in ancient traditions and mysticism. White Copal resin, harvested from the Bursera tree, has been revered by indigenous cultures for its sacred and cleansing properties. Its ethereal scent is a conduit to the spiritual realm, and it is often used to purify spaces, rituals, and the self. The aroma of White Copal carries a sense of reverence and ancient wisdom, inviting you to connect with your inner spirituality, release negative energies, and create an ambiance of sacred serenity. This aromatic offering from Tribal Soul Aroma Oils is a portal to the mystical, inviting you to explore the profound and transformative aspects of your being.

Tribal Soul Oil is a traditional and popular choice for enhancing your home’s ambiance. It blends natural fragrances using natural ingredients providing an instant uplift to your space. Each box contains a 10ml bottle, perfect for relaxation and meditation. If you are looking for something different, discover the ancient wisdom of Tribal Soul Aroma Oils today.

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